DriveChain Android Framework Toolset

Quick Bootstrap Setup

This setup is best for new applications that can be more invested in DriveChain’s setup. It simplifies setup and forward-compatibility by using a base application class. If you prefer more granular control over your application and dependencies, you can set the framework up manually using the Manual Start Guide

1) Install Core DriveChain Components

If you haven’t already, add JitPack to your gradle repositories in your build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

Add DriveChain as a dependency to your build.gradle file

dependencies {
    compile "com.github.InkApplications.DriveChain:bootstrap:2.+" // Replace with exact version

Add the modules to your Application component:

@Singleton @Component(modules = arrayOf(
interface ApplicationComponent { /* ... */ }

2) Inject Application Base Class

DriveChain is set up Automatically when inheriting from the DriveChainApplication base application class.

However, you will need to Inject your Application with your Dagger component to provide the framework’s appKernel. You should inject your class in the onAppCreate function:

class MyApplication: DriveChainApplication() {
     val component: ApplicationComponent by lazy {
     @Inject override lateinit var appKernel: AppKernel
     override fun onAppCreate() = component.inject(this)